Thursday, August 6, 2009

What causes hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are most likely caused by diet and straining on the toilet. Actually, these two factors are linked: eating bad food leads to constipation, which leads to straining on the toilet.

It has been suggested that the Western diet, which is rich in processed food and lacking in fiber, also contributes to hemorrhoids. Indeed, hemorrhoids are rare in less-developed African countries where the diet is rich in roughage and fiber. As the population in these countries change their diet to include more processed food, the incidence of hemorrhoids increase.

The style of modern toilet, unfortunately, encourage straining. Some people also read while sitting on the toilet, adding undue pressure to the anal veins.

Other factors that contribute to hemorrhoids include aging, heredity, bouts of diarrhea, using laxatives. For women, pregnancy is often a factor as the fetus puts pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins.

Fortunately, in most instances, hemorrhoids self-heal. This means that unless you do something to cause flare ups (i.e. continue to strain when defecating or have chronic constipation or diarrhea) most hemorrhoids resolve themselves without any intervention.

However, the weakened walls of the distended veins in hemorrhoids will cause it to be prone to future flare ups. This is why people say once you have hemorrhoids, you'll always hemorrhoids.

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