Thursday, August 6, 2009

How long do hemorrhoids last

The question "how long do hemorrhoids last," is not at all uncommon among individuals suffering from hemorrhoid formation. Since piles are considerably uncomfortable in many instances, the sufferer often wants to know just how long they will be forced to deal with them. What is also unfortunate is that few people feel comfortable talking about hemorrhoids so a hemorrhoid sufferer may feel lost when seeking the answer to the question: "how long do hemorrhoids last?"

Never fear, this article should help answer your questions.

Things You Need to Know About Hemorrhoids

In truth, in most cases, hemorrhoids can often resolve on their own over a period of several days. There are other cases where extensive treatment might be warranted. The answer to the question "how long do hemorrhoids last"must really be answered based on the severity of the condition. Below are some facts that you need to know about hemorrhoids that will give you a greater understanding of how long they can last:

1. If you have developed hemorrhoids they aren't going to go away on their own overnight. You can expect to have to deal with the hemorrhoids for at least a few days time. This is because it will take some time for the swelling to diminish and for the anorectal region to return to normal. Mild cases of hemorrhoids can last anywhere from seven to fourteen days.
2. If you are dealing with prolapsed and/or thrombosed hemorrhoids you can anticipate a longer time frame for dealing with the issue. The latter types of hemorrhoids can prove quite painful and may require attention from a doctor.
3. Once you have dealt with hemorrhoids, chances are you will be dealing with them again in the future. When a person develops hemorrhoids they are more prone to developing hemorrhoidal formations.

Dealing with Severe Hemorrhoids

If at-home treatment and over-the-counter medications do not work for the individual suffering from hemorrhoids, it is time to seek out the services of a qualified professional. There are procedures which can be performed that will help the individual get an issue with hemorrhoids under control. Of course, the question as to how long hemorrhoids will last depends upon the procedure performed and the patient's ability to recover. Procedures include:

* Rubber band ligation: With this procedure the doctor places a tiny band around the base of the hemorrhoid formation. The band will halt blood flow to the hemorrhoid formation and force it to diminish: this can take several days to occur and the hemorrhoid formation will disappear within a week to ten days time.
* Infrared Coagulation: Many doctors offer infrared coagulation treatment for hemorrhoids. Infrared light is used to force the blood flow going into a hemorrhoid formation to stop. This procedure is pain free and can be accomplished over several brief doctor visits. It can take a few weeks for the treatment to offer full benefits however.
* Hemorrhoidectomy: A hemorrhoidectomy is a bit more invasive than other treatments and this procedure involves the removal of the hemorrhoid formation via surgical methods. The recovery time from such a procedure varies from one individual to the next and it can take several days to several weeks to return to normal after a hemorrhoidectomy.

Now you have read this article you should have a better answer in regards to, how long do hemorrhoids last.

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