Thursday, August 6, 2009

How long do hemorrhoids last

The question "how long do hemorrhoids last," is not at all uncommon among individuals suffering from hemorrhoid formation. Since piles are considerably uncomfortable in many instances, the sufferer often wants to know just how long they will be forced to deal with them. What is also unfortunate is that few people feel comfortable talking about hemorrhoids so a hemorrhoid sufferer may feel lost when seeking the answer to the question: "how long do hemorrhoids last?"

Never fear, this article should help answer your questions.

Things You Need to Know About Hemorrhoids

In truth, in most cases, hemorrhoids can often resolve on their own over a period of several days. There are other cases where extensive treatment might be warranted. The answer to the question "how long do hemorrhoids last"must really be answered based on the severity of the condition. Below are some facts that you need to know about hemorrhoids that will give you a greater understanding of how long they can last:

1. If you have developed hemorrhoids they aren't going to go away on their own overnight. You can expect to have to deal with the hemorrhoids for at least a few days time. This is because it will take some time for the swelling to diminish and for the anorectal region to return to normal. Mild cases of hemorrhoids can last anywhere from seven to fourteen days.
2. If you are dealing with prolapsed and/or thrombosed hemorrhoids you can anticipate a longer time frame for dealing with the issue. The latter types of hemorrhoids can prove quite painful and may require attention from a doctor.
3. Once you have dealt with hemorrhoids, chances are you will be dealing with them again in the future. When a person develops hemorrhoids they are more prone to developing hemorrhoidal formations.

Dealing with Severe Hemorrhoids

If at-home treatment and over-the-counter medications do not work for the individual suffering from hemorrhoids, it is time to seek out the services of a qualified professional. There are procedures which can be performed that will help the individual get an issue with hemorrhoids under control. Of course, the question as to how long hemorrhoids will last depends upon the procedure performed and the patient's ability to recover. Procedures include:

* Rubber band ligation: With this procedure the doctor places a tiny band around the base of the hemorrhoid formation. The band will halt blood flow to the hemorrhoid formation and force it to diminish: this can take several days to occur and the hemorrhoid formation will disappear within a week to ten days time.
* Infrared Coagulation: Many doctors offer infrared coagulation treatment for hemorrhoids. Infrared light is used to force the blood flow going into a hemorrhoid formation to stop. This procedure is pain free and can be accomplished over several brief doctor visits. It can take a few weeks for the treatment to offer full benefits however.
* Hemorrhoidectomy: A hemorrhoidectomy is a bit more invasive than other treatments and this procedure involves the removal of the hemorrhoid formation via surgical methods. The recovery time from such a procedure varies from one individual to the next and it can take several days to several weeks to return to normal after a hemorrhoidectomy.

Now you have read this article you should have a better answer in regards to, how long do hemorrhoids last.

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What causes hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are most likely caused by diet and straining on the toilet. Actually, these two factors are linked: eating bad food leads to constipation, which leads to straining on the toilet.

It has been suggested that the Western diet, which is rich in processed food and lacking in fiber, also contributes to hemorrhoids. Indeed, hemorrhoids are rare in less-developed African countries where the diet is rich in roughage and fiber. As the population in these countries change their diet to include more processed food, the incidence of hemorrhoids increase.

The style of modern toilet, unfortunately, encourage straining. Some people also read while sitting on the toilet, adding undue pressure to the anal veins.

Other factors that contribute to hemorrhoids include aging, heredity, bouts of diarrhea, using laxatives. For women, pregnancy is often a factor as the fetus puts pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins.

Fortunately, in most instances, hemorrhoids self-heal. This means that unless you do something to cause flare ups (i.e. continue to strain when defecating or have chronic constipation or diarrhea) most hemorrhoids resolve themselves without any intervention.

However, the weakened walls of the distended veins in hemorrhoids will cause it to be prone to future flare ups. This is why people say once you have hemorrhoids, you'll always hemorrhoids.

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What do hemorrhoids look like?

Normally everyone has internal hemorrhoids which are usually hidden and are painless. The first time I read about this I was surprised, because what I know of is the more obvious external type of hemorrhoids.

Well, I guess the shock of knowing that is incomparable to the shock when you see your insides down there seem falling out. Hemorrhoids usually appear like tiny lumps of grapes from the anus. The shape, size and the number of hemorrhoids are different from each person. Sometimes there is only one mass or to some they may have small clusters of it.

Hemorrhoids can look like flattened grapes

Hemorrhoids can look like flattened grapes sometimes aside from the full grape like clusters. Some may even look wrinkly. Internal hemorrhoids which are usually hidden may protrude out and would look like as the ones describe. They may go back in after strain or stay out in some cases.

Hemorrhoids are basically swollen veins in the rectal or anal area. They are caused by pressure from lifting, pregnancy, constipation, diarrhea and all other physical activity as ordinary as prolonged sitting or standing.

We are brought up and taught how dirty and unmentionable that part of our anatomy is and having to see grape like lumps appear there is embarrassing. But once you see any of the description above plus bleeding usually on your tissue, feces or toilet bowl you need to have it checked by a doctor. Self examination and diagnosis is not good as you may confuse hemorrhoids with warts or other condition. A professional medical diagnosis is necessary for proper treatment and also because it may not be just hemorrhoids, but symptoms of another more serious condition like cancer.

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Home remedies for hemorrhoid relief

Hemorrhoids are a medical condition characterized by inflamed and swollen veins surrounding the lower rectum or anus. Not everyone suffering from hemorrhoids experiences symptoms. For those with internal hemorrhoids, the most common symptom is bright blood on toilet paper, covering the fecal matter, or in the toilet. Internal hemorrhoids may also protrude and be painful and irritated. External hemorrhoids, on the other hand, generally result in a hard lump and painful swelling in the area around the anus.

There are several potential causes of hemorrhoids. The most typical causes include excessive straining during a bowel movement, aging, pregnancy, chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, and anal intercourse. Those who are already experiencing hemorrhoids can irritate them further by excessively straining, cleaning, or rubbing the area.

There are several things a person can do at home to treat hemorrhoids, though most treatments are meant to relieve the symptoms and do not necessarily get rid of the problem. One of the best treatments a person can use to get relief from hemorrhoids is to soak in a tub of warm water for approximately ten minutes. Nothing should be added to the water while soaking.

Another home remedy for hemorrhoids is dietary changes. Maintaining a diet that is high in fiber – which can be found in vegetables, fruits, and whole grain foods – and includes plenty of fluids can prevent hemorrhoids from forming and can help relieve them when they occur. This is because a high-fiber diet coupled with six to eight glasses of water per day causes the stool to be bulkier, yet softer. This makes it easier to pass and results in less straining during bowel movements.

In serious cases of hemorrhoids, medical intervention may be necessary. This may be as simple as using hemorrhoid cream or as complex as surgery. Some procedures must be initiated and monitored by a doctor, but can be completed from the comforts of home.

A rubber band ligation, for example, involves cutting off the circulation of the hemorrhoid by placing a rubber band around its base. This causes the hemorrhoid to whither away over time. Alternatively, sclerotherapy may be performed. In this procedure, the doctor injects a chemical solution around the blood vessel in order to cause the hemorrhoids to shrink. In some cases, surgery can be performed in a doctor’s office. Some hemorrhoid surgery, however, may require a hospital stay.

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Best hemorrhoid treatments

Are you sick of the itching, burning, pain, swelling, or bleeding down there? Aren't you frustrated because it's completely embarrassing to ask for advice on this potentially crippling condition? I sure was - suffering silently.

Description of hemorrhoid symptoms

Bleeding during bowel movements, itching, and rectal pain are the most common hemorrhoid symptoms.
External hemorrhoids

Rectal pain occurs mainly with external hemorrhoids. Blood may pool under the skin, forming a hard, painful lump. This is called a thrombosed, or clotted, hemorrhoid. You might also notice streaks of blood on the toilet paper after straining to pass a stool.
Internal hemorrhoids

The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is rectal bleeding. You may find bright red streaks of blood on the toilet paper or bright red blood in the toilet bowl after having a normal bowel movement. Blood also may be visible on the surface of the stool.

Other symptoms of internal hemorrhoids may include:

* Itching. This is a frequent complaint, because internal hemorrhoids often seep mucus, which can irritate the anal skin and cause itching.
* Skin irritation. Large hemorrhoids that bulge from the anus may secrete mucus, causing mild irritation.
* Discomfort. You may still feel the urge to pass stool right after having a bowel movement. This uncomfortable feeling is caused by the bulging of the hemorrhoid in the end portion of the large intestine (anal canal). In general, the larger the hemorrhoid, the greater the discomfort.
* Pain. Most internal hemorrhoids are not painful. But large hemorrhoids that bulge from the anus may become painful if they swell and are squeezed by the muscles that control the anus. Severe pain may be a sign that the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is being cut off (strangulated hemorrhoid). Emergency treatment is needed.

Rectal bleeding and pain and recent changes in bowel habits are also symptoms of colon, rectal, or anal cancer. People who have these symptoms, especially those age 50 or older or those with a family history of colon cancer, should talk to their health professional.

Will Hemorrhoids Go Away on Their Own?

Hemorrhoids are something that most people get at least once in their life. Many people

wonder if they have to be treated or whether hemorrhoids go way on their own. The answer is that it really depends on the hemorrhoid. If you are looking to actively get rid of hemorrhoids quickly and naturally yourself then click on the link below to find out more information on how to do just that.

In most cases hemorrhoids go away on their own because they are a natural reaction that the body has to a hard bowel movement. This usually happens when you are constipated and strain to get your feces out. When you clear up the constipation your hemorrhoid problem may go away easily.

Statistics show that around 75% of the American population will have hemorrhoids in their life time. Constipation is the main culprit and sometimes it happens when there is not enough water in the body so it makes the feces harder to release.

Depending on the size and the cause of the hemorrhoid you may or may not have to treat it in some way. As an example, some small hemorrhoids disappear on their own when you change your diet or resolve the problem that created them. Others may be very painful and need the assistance of the doctor.

When you have prolapsed hemorrhoids and they are hanging outside the anus they may retract on their own and you may not have trouble with them later. However, if you want to be sure you will not have trouble them it is probably best to treat them.

If you choose to treat your hemorrhoids then you can use a product like Preparation-H. It is an over the counter product and you can find it in an ointment that goes into the anus, a towelette or a suppository. It just depends on which method you prefer.

Some experts say that hemorrhoids never go away because once you get them they will come back at some time in your life. The most important thing is that you have relief from the symptoms if you get them at all.

Many doctors say that hemorrhoids are a natural thing for many people. For instance, pregnant women often get them. Older people sometimes get them because they are more sedentary than younger people. In some cases they do not have to be treated because they are a natural part of life.

The doctors will look at them and make a decision whether they need to be treated or not. This is confusing to some people but they aren't treated because they are not always a problem for the individual. Only when they become uncomfortable or painful will they need treatment.

Many hemorrhoids go away and people have no other symptoms for the rest of their lives. This all depends on what the individual does to help themselves and to take care of their health.

The best way to stay away from hemorrhoids is to make sure you drink plenty of water and eat vegetables and fruits. These things will keep your body from becoming constipated and will generate softer stools. This way you will not be constipated. You can also add flaxseed oil to your body to help.

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